Electricity and Magnetism
Essential Question
What are the relationships between electric currents and magnetic fields? How do magnetic fields transmit force?
Table of Contents
Electrical Forces and Charges
Conservation of Charge
Coulomb's Law
Conductors and Insulators
Charging By Friction or Contact
Charging by Induction
Charge by Polarization
Electric Fields and Potential
Electric Fields
Electric Field Lines
Electric Shielding
Electric Potential Energy
Electric Potential
Electric Energy Storage
The Van de Graaff Generator
Electric Current
Flow of Charge
Electric Current
Voltage Sources
Electric Resistance
Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law and Electric Shock
Direct Current and Alternate Current
Converting AC to DC
The Speed of Electrons in a Circuit
Source of Electrons in a Circuit
Electric Power
Electric Circuits
A Battery and a Bulb
Electric Circuits
Series Circuits
Parallel Circuits
Schematic Diagrams
Combining Resistors in a Compound Circuit
Parallel Circuits and Overloading
Magnetic Poles
Magnetic Fields
The Nature of a Magnetic Field
Magnetic Domains
Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles
Magnetic Forces on Current-Carrying Wires
Meters on Motors
Earths Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday's Law
Generators and Alternating Current
Motor and Generator Comparison
Power Transmission
Induction of Electric and Magnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Waves