Essential Question
What are the laws that govern the motion of objects?
Table of Contents
Motion is Relative
Free Fall: How Fast
Free Fall: How Far
Graphs of Motion
Air Resistance and Falling Objects
Vector and Scalar Quantities
Velocity Vectors
Components of Vectors
Projectile Motion
Upwardly Launched Projectiles
Fast Moving Projectiles - Satellites
Aristotle on Motion
Copernicus and the Moving Earth
Galileo on Motion
Newton's Law of Inertia
Mass - A Measure of Inertia
Net Force
Equilibrium - When Net Force Equals Zero
Vector Addition of Forces
The Moving Earth Again
Force Causes Acceleration
Mass Resists Acceleration
Newton's Second Law
Applying Force - Pressure
Free Fall Explained
Falling and Air Resistance
Forces and Interactions
Newton's Third Law
Identifying Action and Reaction
Action and Reaction on Different Masses
Do Action and Reaction Forces Cancel?
The Horse and Cart Problem
Action Equals Reaction
Impulse Changes Momentum
Conservation of Momentum
Momentum Vectors
Mechanical Energy
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Conservation of Energy
Energy for Life
Circular Motion
Rotation and Revolution
Rotational Speed
Centripetal Force
Centripetal and Centrifugal Force
Centrifugal Force in a Rotating Reference Frame
Simulated Gravity
Center of Gravity
Center of Gravity
Center of Mass
Locating Center of Gravity
Center of Gravity of People
Rotational Mechanics
Balanced Torques
Torque and Center of Gravity
Rotational Inertia
Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics
Angular Momentum
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Universal Gravitation
The Falling Apple
The Falling Moon
The Falling Earth
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Gravity and Distance: The Inverse-Square Law
Universal Gravitation
Gravitational Interactions
Gravitational Fields
Gravitational Field Inside a Planet
Weight and Weightless
Ocean Tides
Tides in Earth and the Atmosphere
Black Holes
Satellite Motion
Earth Satellites
Circular Orbits
Elliptical Orbits
Energy Conservation and Satellite Motion
Escape Speed
Special Relativity - Space and Time
Motion is Relative
The Speed of Light is Constant
The First Postulate of Special Relativity
The Second Postulate of Special Relativity
Time Dilation
The Twin Trip
Space Time Travel
Special Relativity - Length, Momentum, and Energy
Length Contraction
Momentum and Inertia in Relativity
Equivalence of Mass and Energy
Kinetic Energy in Relativity
The Correspondence Principle