Greenhouse Management

Greenhouse Management Log
If you are on greenhouse duty this form is your homework. This log allows you to record all the work you did in the greenhouse along with key information about conditions in the greenhouse such as humidity and temperature. The Greenhouse Management Log is a spreadsheet of all the entries allowing us to monitor changes and trends in the greenhouse through time. If the log needs mor pages print them from this document.
Aquaponics Management Log
This log allows you to record all the care you provide your group's experimental aquaponics setup along with key information about conditions in the greenhouse such as humidity and temperature. These Aquaponics Management Logs will allow us to monitor and compare changes and trends in these setups through time and determine the strengths and weaknesses of each. If the log needs more pages print them from this document.
Table of Contents
Long-term Goals
Set up aquaponics in the greenhouse
There is a small concrete pool with gold fish in the corner of the greenhouse which could be used as the base of an aquaponics setup. This would mean plants are grown hydroponically using the water from the fishs' enclosure. The plants draw nutrients from the water, filtering it for the fish
Short term Tasks to Work Towards this Goal
Design - We will study designs of aquaponic setups, determining advantages and disadvantages of different arrangements and materials. We will then use what we learn to create our own design that suites the needs of our space.
Prototype - build small scale with fish tanks to determine most effective design
Build - construct the design and implement it in the greenhouse
Test - monitor to determine effectiveness of design at scale