Intramolecular Chemical Bonding and Representing Compounds
Essential Question
How do particles combine to form the variety of matter one observes?
Online Interactive: Ionic Bonding
This interactive activity from ChemThink discusses ionic bonding—a type of chemical bond formed between two ions with opposite charges. Investigate how the transfer of electrons between atoms creates ions and how the mutual attraction of these charged particles forms ionic bonds. Also learn about trends in the periodic table of elements, and explore how the structure of an ionic compound relates to its formula.
Online Interactive: Covalent Bonding
This interactive activity from ChemThink describes covalent bonding—a type of chemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons. Investigate the attractive and repulsive forces that act on atomic particles and how the sharing of electrons can keep atoms together. See how two hydrogen atoms interact with each other to create a covalent bond. Learn about trends in the periodic table and how electrostatic potential energy determines the bond length. Also, learn about naming conventions for covalent compounds.
Online Interactive: Ionic and Covalent Bonding Periodic Table
In this simulation, you will investigate both ionic and covalent bonding. You will have the opportunity to interact with many possible combinations of atoms and will be tasked with determining the type of bond and the number of atom needed to form each. The simulation visually differentiates between the transferring of electrons when forming an ionic compound and the sharing of electrons when forming a covalent compound so that students can have a complete understanding of each. Finally, you will become familiar with the molecular formula, as well as the naming system for each type of bond and geometric shape, when applicable.